In summary, work in the field of sustainability sees Lammhults Design Group operating in line with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and with the guiding standard ISO 26000, which has already been implemented in the majority of the Group’s companies.
Sustainability work is integrated into the various companies’ business processes and their management systems. Most of the subsidiaries hold third party certification to ISO 14001. Direct responsibility for the environment, health and safety and ethics rests with each individual Group company. The local corporate management teams should also ensure that actual improvements in finances, the environment, people and society are measured and monitored.
The management systems of Lammhults Möbel and Abstracta are also third-party certified and approved under both ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001, with a transition to ISO 45001 gradually taking place. Fora Form was ISO 45001 certified as early as 2018 and is also certified under ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.